Friday, October 24, 2014

Where's the Momentum..

Reaching a goal, momentum please, running up stairs, climbing
Ugh... 6 months ago when I started this blog I would stay up all night just to write a post knowing I had work the next day. I was excited and motivated and losing sleep didn't matter.

But sleep deprivation catches up with you and suddenly you find that its been 3 days since your fingers have been near a keyboard and you haven't even been promoting the last post you wrote on social media like you should.

You go from 2-3 posts a week to maybe 1 post a week to hoping that you get a post up. Then in walks the guilt, stage left.

Lets not forget about the dreaded question.. What am I going to write about?! As a blogger, we know that quality content is key if you want to keep your readers- reading. Your blog is nothing without content. For those of us who don't have a niche, this can be an even bigger issue.

What will my next post be about? Should I just review a product? Maybe I should make something, cook something, or buy something and tell people how I did it... Is this a blog or an online journal?
To monetize or not to monetize... that is the question (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

If you have felt this way about blogging or you feel this way now... know that you are in great company. It doesn't make you a bad blogger, its just like anything else you do in life. Don't force it. When it's suppose to happen, it will.

                                                                                           God ~ Love ~ Beauty
                                                                                                   Madame Dream

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  1. I agree, it's important to blog when it suits you. There's no point in forcing out posts as they're really obvious!

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. Yes, its true. I try to post when my thoughts and ideas are flowing even if it takes a little longer to get it done. The results are usually better.

  2. Good point! I really like filling in the 'gaps' with: round up posts, link up ( I now co host a weekly link up) and pic based posts :)
    It is hard to keep thinking of things to share...but it does come when it's ready, doesn't it? :)

    1. I love a good link up.. although I've never hosted one. I like the idea of a pic based post, I may need to try that. Thanks for sharing!

    2. I agree with this post completely!
      It's best not to force things and try and make things happen.. The best blogs are the ones that improve naturally over time :)

    3. Looking forward to improving and becoming more consistent over time! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Congrats on 6 months of blogging. Wishing you success with you blogging too! Thanks for stopping by and wishing me well wishes on y 2 year Blogiversary!

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