Monday, May 5, 2014

So many Moms, So little time..

What have the Moms in your life taught you? Life Lessons

If you are like me, you have multiple women in your life that you consider to be like a mother, or who have nurtured you the way a mother does.

With mothers day on the way I figured it would be a good time to reflect on the things that we have learned from the women we call Mommy, Grandma, Sissy, Auntie and even friend. They play such an important role in who we are now and who we will become.

My mommy
Yup, I still call her mommy. She's taught me so much. As I've gotten older, it's kinda changed into sharing instead of teaching. She shares all the things she's learned in her lifetime through trial and error, all of which has developed into wisdom. One of the things she's taught me is to always be able to take care of myself. No matter who is around you and able to support you, you must always be able to support yourself. It doesn't matter what other people have, you must have your own.

My Sister
Aka Sissy. Growing up, everyone thought my sister was my mom. However, all my friends called her Sissy. They never knew her real name. Big sisters often take on the role of mom #2 and she played it very well. Getting me dressed, taking me school and even checking me when I got out of line. The one thing she's always instilled in me was the importance of an education. She always tells me, no matter where you go in life, your education will go too and no one can take it from you. From Pre-K to College, she has never missed a graduation.

My Grandma
I miss this lady! I was raised by my granny so I spent ALOT of time with her. Growing up during the summer I was with my grandma. No summer camp, no summer school, but in the house with my grandma. Lots of time spent in the kitchen and watching her "soaps" as she would call them. We'd make ice cream, do crossword puzzles, pop popcorn (on the stove, in pot...what you know about that one..) and read. She loooovvvved to read. My grandma taught me how to be a lady. I remember when I was going through that awkward tween/tomboy stage, I could hear her yelling "Girls don't act like that!".. right after I had let out a loud burp while trying to win a burp contest with my male cousins. From how to sit with a dress on, to please and thank you... that was all grandma.

This year, I'm buying a few extra Mother's day cards. I have a Best friend who's a first time mom and my boyfriend's mom. My mommy list is growing. Mother's day is a great time to show them your love and appreciation for all they have done and continue to do.

Before you go Mother's Day shopping, take some time to reflect. It might help you find the perfect gift or card. What have the ~Moms~ in your life taught you? Share - in the comment section. 

Tip*- If you are buying a card, write your reflections in the card. Share your greatest memories, a funny story or best life lesson.  It's a great way to personalize it and share how you feel about them. 

Share it!


  1. How inspirational, I love what you shared here, Madame Dreamer! You are so right we learn so many things in our life from different moms we're with... I loved the story about your grandma - I used to spend my summer vacations at my grandparents house as well :)

    1. Thanks Delia! Where would we be without the moms in our lives..They come to us in so many forms.

  2. Nice dedication to the moms in your life. Sweet memories. I love your TIP! What a great idea to add to your post! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Lots of memories and life lessons. Yes, add a memory they'll love that. Thanks Dawnita!

  3. You are so blessed to have inspiring women in your life.

    1. Very blessed! As we mature we realize how much they truly mean.

  4. I love that idea! Thank you! I am going to buy a card and write my favorite memory in it for all the special ladies in my life.

    1. They'll love a lil trip down memory lane..a little nostalgia. Thanx for reading!

  5. Very inspiring! My mom has thought me to be independent and that I can accomplish anything I set out to do through hard work and dedication. I love my mom!!!

    1. Hard work and dedication has been the key to our success. I love your mom too!

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