Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This or That?

Prayer, self help, stress
Decisions!....ugh. They can't be escaped. We make decisions everyday, from what to eat, to what to wear, how we're going to get to work, to how we'll accomplish the day's task. What happens when those decisions go beyond the everyday stuff. Those decisions that could change the direction of your life forever. I'm talking about life decisions. Where to live, babies, no babies, career choices, marriage, finances... the list goes on...

And it doesn't get easier! As we live our lives, it seems like we get lots of practice when it comes to decision making but I'm not sure if it ever gets "easier". I do think the decisions we have to make reflect where we are in different stages of our lives.  The one question which I'm sure we've all asked at some point is- "How do I know I'm making the right decision?" Gut feeling.. a sign.. a dream.. a fortune cookie... What's the confirmation?

I like to go with the "it feels right" method. When I make a decision and follow through on it without rethinking -second guessing- that means it felt right and it sat well with my spirit. However, if I decide on something and it keeps popping back in my head and I'm flip flopping with my decision, that means something is not feeling right, I'm not at peace with it. Its like finding a good pair of shoes. If they don't fit well, you have to adjust them, you can't wear them for that long and they can be distracting. If they fit well, you love wearing them, no adjusting and most of the time you forget you're wearing them..(you get the idea)

Some decisions can weigh heavy on your spirit and some decisions can actually be out of your control. When that happens, its important to seek guidance and encouragement from a spiritual source. For me, that comes in the form of prayer (lots of it) and "a word" from the Lord. My current meditation and prayer:

Psalm 143 : 8 (KJV) 
Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. 

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  1. I'm with you on going by instinct - if I have doubt, I usually don't go through with it (my mom is big on "when in doubt, don't!).

    1. Yes, same here. Then I have moments where I question my doubt. lol Like is it doubt or fear. But I've learned to trust my doubt. It's there for a reason. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You can't make decisions about things beyond control. You can't decide for sunshine when the earth is raining down on you. You can't decide for materials when there is a system of currency in place. You can take action though. You can decide that you want something and then really envelope yourself with ideas about what's next after you've achieved or acquired your goals? Too often we set goals and then don't think about what to do at the summit. This is a great thought provoking post. Thanks.

    1. I've learned that some things just - are. Its not an easy lesson to learn. Sometimes we feel like something needs to be changed or "fixed" but the truth is going through it is the fix. I agree, we can choose to embrace our situations and decisions. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I agree with the instinct stuff but then I believe that the decisions u make were decided for u before u were even born. Faith. God set certain things into place for us and we are just living them out. So do we really have a choice in life? We know we have to die but how we die is not up to us; it has already been decided and we can't change that

    1. Yes, I definitely feel like there's a path set for all of us. I guess the real issue is knowing when you're on the path that God has set for you. Is every decision we make included in His plan? That goes back to your question.. do we really have a choice.. Truly thought provoking!

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  4. Decision making is part of our life without which it is simply unrealistic to imagine our existence because our whole life is a chain of decisions made by us.
